(Formed on 16th November, 1995)


1.       NAME:


The name of the Conservancy shall be the “Mtunzini Conservancy”, hereafter referred to as “The Conservancy”.


2.       AREA:


The Conservancy shall include the town of Mtunzini. The Conservancy shall also extend its activities to neighbouring and other areas under independent management including the uMlalazi Nature Reserve and Siyaya Coastal Park (Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife), the Ongoye Forest, private farms and any area deemed to be within the interests of the Conservancy.


3.       OBJECTIVES:


3.1     To promote the conservation of flora, fauna and natural habitats within the Conservancy.

3.2     To promote public interest and participation in conservation and to educate, inform and advise property owners and residents within the Conservancy.

3.3     To eradicate invasive alien vegetation and to establish and promote indigenous flora within the Conservancy.

3.4     To develop and maintain a Linked Open Space System within the Conservancy.   

3.5     To develop and maintain hiking trails within the Conservancy.

3.6     To promote eco-tourism in and around Mtunzini.

  1. To monitor development within the Conservancy area, gauge public opinion on issues of environmental concern and participate in environmental impact assessments where appropriate.
  2. To comment on matters of environmental concern in the Conservancy area and provide advice and expertise when appropriate.


4.       MEMBERSHIP:


  1. Membership shall be open to residents and ratepayers of Mtunzini as well as other interested persons.

4.2     Membership shall be approved after submission of the Mtunzini Conservancy's application for membership form and receipt of the annual subscription. The approval of membership will be at the discretion of the Committee.

  1.      Corporate and associate membership shall be available to interested

parties involved with the Conservancy, subject to the approval of the



  1.      Honorary membership may be conferred upon deserving persons at any

annual or special general meeting upon the recommendation of the Committee following receipt of a written motivation signed by the Proposer and Seconder of the nominee.

  1.      Only paid-up members shall be entitled to vote at Annual and Special

General Meetings.

  1.      Membership may be terminated at the discretion of the Committee if a

member acts in any manner which conflicts with the objectives of the  Conservancy.




5.1     Membership of the Conservancy shall be subject to the payment of an

annual subscription as determined by members at an annual or special general meeting.

5.2     The Membership subscription year shall be from 1st March  each year,

until the end of February the following year. Subscriptions will become due on 1st March annually.


6.       COMMITTEE:


  1. The Conservancy shall be managed by an elected committee, which shall comprise a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and at least two other members.
  2. Election of committee members shall take place at the Annual General Meeting. Current office bearers and committee members may be eligible for re-election.
  3. The Committee shall elect office bearers at the first committee meeting after the AGM.
  4. The Committee may appoint sub-committees and/or co-opt additional committee members on an ad hoc basis for specific purposes.
  5. The frequency of committee meetings shall be determined by the Committee,  but shall meet at least once a quarter.
  6. Four committee members shall constitute a quorum for committee meetings.
  7. Decisions of Committee shall be by majority vote with voting by show of hands. The Chairman shall have an additional casting vote in the event of voting being even.
  8. Voting by proxy shall be permitted at any committee meeting if the proxy has been submitted in writing and signed by the absent committee member.
  9. The Committee may make and implement rules as necessary for the efficient management of the Conservancy.




  1. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held in November of each calendar year.
  2. Special General Meetings shall be convened whenever it may be considered necessary by the Committee.
  3. Members are to be given 14 days notice of AGM’s and Special General Meetings, including the agenda and any proposals for consideration at the meeting.
  4. Four Committee Members shall constitute a quorum at any AGM or Special General Meeting. If a quorum is not present at a designated General Meeting, the meeting must be reconvened after seven days notice has been given. The members present will form a quorum at any re-convened meeting.
  5. Voting by proxy shall be permitted at any Annual or Special General meeting if the proxy has been submitted in writing and signed by the absent member.
  6. The business of the AGM shall be to:
    1. Receive and approve the Chairman’s Report
    2. Receive and approve the Treasurer’s Report and financial statement
    3. Elect committee members
    4. Discuss and consider matters on the agenda
  7. All matters before an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting shall be decided by a majority vote of those who are entitled to vote. In the event of the voting being even, the Chairman at the meeting shall have an additional casting vote.

7.8     The purpose of any Special General Meeting shall be clearly stated in the notice of the meeting together with any proposals to be considered.




  1. Amendments to the Constitution may only take place at an Annual or Special General Meeting.
  2. Both the new and the old wording of any proposed amendment, together with a motivation for the amendment, must accompany the notice for the AGM or Special General Meeting at which the amendment will be considered.
  3. The adoption of a proposed amendment to the Constitution shall be subject to voting as per 7.7 above.




  1. The Conservancy shall have the power to acquire rights and obligations in its own name.
  2. The income and assets of the Conservancy shall be applied solely towards the achievement of its objectives.
  3. The Conservancy shall have perpetual succession.
  4. The Conservancy shall maintain a bank account under its own name.
  5. Signing powers for bank transactions will be vested in the Chairman,

Treasurer and an additional nominated Committee Member. 

All transactions are to be signed by any two of the approved signatories.

9.6     The Conservancy's financial year end shall be the 30th September.







The Conservancy shall be solely liable for its own debts. None of the office bearers or members shall be held personally responsible for such debts or part thereof.




In the event of a decision to dissolve the Conservancy at a General Meeting, any assets shall be disposed of, after settlement of debts, as decided by the Committee.


12.     ADOPTION:


This Constitution was adopted at a Special General Meeting of the Mtunzini Conservancy:


Held at:  Mtunzini Country Club


On:  16th March 2006